Where do we go from here?

Hello family. I pray you all are doing well. I would like to address our family and our relationships. This title for this blog is from a 1967 book from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. One of the central themes of the book’s messages is that of hope. He also addresses what are we going to do with the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I would like to address what are we going to do with our future and making sure that our kids, grandkids and yes some of us don’t forget where we come from and the sacrifices that others made for us.

Some of the us like to talk about the young people not knowing nothing about their history and now it all about them. Well if we don’t teach them then they won’t know. I started a Facebook group so that the family can communicate and establish more than surface relationships. One of the questions I ask to keep the spammers out is which branch of the family are you from? I wonder how many kids can’t answer that question? I give list of names that are the children of Oscar & Martha Thomas. Which would be my mom’s generation which is only 2 generation for some of our kids and they are forgotten. You get a certain age you want to keep relationships 100. Sometime even the closest relationships can become superficial if we don’t want to put in the hard work it takes to maintain them. Love is not a noun (don’t just say all the right things) but is a verb (do the right things). I am not saying that we must be under each other all the time, but I am saying that we should have empathy and a genuine care about each other. The funny thing is that we have all this social technology that we are on every day, but we are the most disconnected we have ever been in our history.

The website is back up thanks to Thomas Williams. He paid for one year.  It was down for about 3 or 4 months and the only person that noticed it was Thomas. The website was started April 2012 at a cost of $120 a year ($840 total) not including the many years of research that it took to get the information and keep and maintain it. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not mad. It just gets to a point when you must ask yourself is it worth it?

So, I am asking where do we go from here?  What will your family legacy be? What can you contribute to taking us into the next generation? 

Love you,


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