Martha (Mattie)(Block) Verse
Born: November 3, 1853
Married: James (Jim) Verse
November 22, 1874
Died: December 23, 1934
Martha (Verse) Thomas
Born: 1886
Married: September 25, 1905
Died: December 30, 1946
Grandpa Oscar Thomas (Center)
Uncle Aaron (Left)
Mildred Husband (Right)
Little Girl
Oakland, California
If you know who the little girl is,
or Mildred husband's
name please contact me
so I can correct this.
Oscar Thomas Jr.
Billy Thomas
Verda Mae (Thomas)
& Husband
J.D. Williams
Robert Ray Barnes
& Edward Earl
1946 or 1947
Taylor, TX
Ernestine Thomas &
Verda Mae
in the screen door
Good Times!
1999 Reunion